12 Key E-commerce Metrics to Track to Drive Growth
The most successful e-commerce businesses haven’t got there by chance. They measure their success based on data or metrics. When we talk about metrics, it refers to data points that e-commerce sites collect and help business owners to make decisions. The smartest companies are continually monitoring and optimizing their performance using vast amounts of data. […]
Understanding Analytics and Adopting a Data Driven Mindset
You might have heard the term “big data” and “data-driven approach.” The basic conceptrevolves around the idea of scrolling through, arranging and analyzing large chunks of different types of data to make meaningful conclusions, such as understanding consumer behavior and predicting future actions of human beings. While the concept may not be as familiar to […]
Understanding & Troubleshooting Low Bounce Rates in Google Analytics
Sounds like an oxymoron right?! Digital marketers long for a low bounce rate, so why would anyone be concerned about a low bounce rate. In fact, this metric is normally a key website KPIs for most organizations. Let’s begin by understanding what are bounce rates. As defined by Google’s support center, “A bounce is a single-page session […]
How to Use Google Analytics Annotations: Historical Note Tracking to Maximize Campaign Efforts
For the digital marketing professional, Google Analytics provides a wealth of data to help optimize your website and aide business insight. However, there are some cases where you want to know what happened at specific times on certain days and if this goes back a week, a month or even a year, most of us […]
Understanding the Marketing Mix and the Four P’s of Marketing [Infographic]
Marketing was and continues to be one of the most essential factors for the success of a company’s products/services. But what comprises good marketing? What goes into it? Good marketing is a practice through which you reach your potential customers, make them aware of your product/service and its advantages such that you hit a chord […]
Guide to Virtual Pageviews in Google Analytics: Unlock Google’s Hidden Data
Although many of us will have Google Analytics set up on our website and have taken time to learn the basics, there are countless tips and tricks that make the free platform even more efficient when trying to track website behavior. Understanding analytics and adopting a data-driven mindset is critical in today’s businesses. A key […]
Google Analytics: Demographics and Interests Reports
If you have a website and work in marketing, the chances are you use Google Analytics. The free to use platform provides valuable insights that can help shape your digital business strategy, driving online success. It tracks the number of visitors, bounce rates, new customers, acquisition channels, keyword and search success. Although most of these […]
What is Marketing Automation and How Does it Work?
We have all heard the saying, “Work smarter, not harder.” This mentality is crucial when dealing with today’s demanding and highly-educated consumers. And in today’s day and age, nothing can prove as invaluable to modern marketing teams as the implementation of marketing automation. While you may not be familiar with the term marketing automation, you […]
Google Tag Manager Tutorial: A Complete Step-By-Step Beginner’s Guide
Digital marketing relishes data and no matter what type of website you have, it is essential to understand how people are interacting with it. We all know that Google offers a range of tools to help people manage their websites. One of those tools is called Google Tag Manager (GTM) which allows you to deploy […]
The Practical Guide to Market Segmentation [Infographic]
Do you find yourself using a “one-size fits all” approach to target your customers? Is your marketing approach more of a general mass marketing strategy that encompasses shotgunning general promotions out to a general population in hopes of increased brand awareness and revenue? Are your efforts and cost outweighing your ROI? Are you finding it […]